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Morgan Stanley: Europæiske aktier og finansaktier vil outperforme

Hugo Gaarden

mandag 17. januar 2022 kl. 13:11

Morgan Stanley ser på konsekvensen af stramningen af pengepolitikken. Banken venter fire rentestigninger i USA. Det giver et uroligt marked i begyndelsen af året, mener Morgan Stanley, som dog mener, at europæiske aktier samt finansielle aktier vil outperforme i det nye år. 

Uddrag fra Morgan Stanley:


After two years of support and accommodation from the Fed, 2022 is seeing a shift in tone towards the strength of the economy and risks of inflation, meaning investors may need to reassess expectations for the year.

Sometimes in investing, if you’re lucky, you make a forecast that holds up for a long time. Other times, the facts change, and your assumptions need to change with them. We’ve just made some significant shifts to our assumptions for what the Federal Reserve will do this year. I want to discuss these new expectations and how we got there.

The U.S. Federal Reserve influences interest rates through two main policy tools. First, it sets a target rate of interest for very short-term borrowing, which influences a lot of other interest rates. And second, it can buy government bonds and mortgages directly – influencing the rate that these bonds offer.

When COVID struck, the Federal Reserve pulled hard on both of these levers, cutting its target interest rate to its lowest ever level of zero and buying trillions of government bonds and mortgages to support these markets.

But now, almost two years removed from those actions, the tone from the Fed is changing, and quickly. For much of 2021, its message focused on erring on the side of caution and continuing to provide extraordinary support, even as the U.S. economy was clearly recovering.

But now, that improvement is clear. The U.S. unemployment rate has fallen all the way to 3.9%, lower than where it was in January of 2018. The number of Americans claiming unemployment benefits is the lowest since 1973. And meanwhile, inflation has been elevated – with the U.S. consumer prices up 7% over the last year.

All of this helps explain the sharp shift we’ve seen recently in the Fed’s tone, which is now focusing much more on the strength of the economy, the risks of inflation and the need to dial back some of its policy support. It’s this change of rhetoric, as well as that underlying data that’s driven our economists to change their forecasts for the Federal Reserve.

We now expect the Fed to raise interest rates 4 times this year, by a total of 1%. Just as important, we think they not only stop buying bonds in March, but start reducing their bond holdings later in the year – moving from quantitative easing, or QE, to so-called quantitative tightening, or QT. The result should help push U.S. 10-year yields higher up to 2.2%, in our view, by the middle of the year.

For markets, we think this should continue to drive a bumpy first quarter for U.S. and emerging market assets. We think European stocks and financial stocks, which are both less sensitive to changes in interest rates, should outperform.

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