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Morgan Stanley ser skeptisk på de europæiske aktier: Hold fingrene væk – foreløbig

Hugo Gaarden

torsdag 21. april 2022 kl. 13:10

Anbefalingen omkring de europæiske aktier er mere end tydelig fra Morgan Stanley: Hold fingrene væk i den kommende tid. Banken mener, at aktierne er kommet for højt op i relation til virksomhedernes indtjening. Banken tror, at regnskaberne for første kvartal vil vise, at indtjeningerne ikke er så høje som i de seneste par år, og banken venter et fald i indtjeningen for hele året. Krigen i Ukraine og covid-situationen i Kina er altså ikke indregnet godt nok i aktiekurserne, skriver Morgan Stanley, der henviser til, at næsten halvdelen af de tyske virksomheder betragter forsyningsforstyrrelserne som følge af den nye lockdown-bølge i Kina som “ødelæggende”. Det får alt i alt betydning for følgende sektorer, mener banken. De største kursrisici ser banken inden for: “banks, construction, industrials, insurance, media, retailing and consumer staples”, mens banken ser nogle stigningsmuligheder inden for: ” brands, chemicals, energy, mining, healthcare and utilities”.

Uddrag fra Morgan Stanley:

A Cautious View on European Stocks


Although consensus forecasts for European equities continue to trend up, there are a few key risks on the horizon that investors may want to keep an eye on during the upcoming earnings season and year ahead.


This week marks the start of the first quarter earnings season for European companies, and we expect to see another “net beat”, with more companies exceeding estimates than missing. However, while this may sound encouraging, we expect the size of this beat to be considerably smaller than recent quarters, which have been some of the best on record.

At the same time, we think commentary around future trends is likely to turn more cautious, given triple headwinds from elevated geopolitical risks, an increasingly stagflation like economy and intensifying pressures on corporate margins. And we think this last point is probably the most underappreciated risk to European equities at this time.

Historically, European margins have been positively correlated to inflation. Which likely reflects the index’s sizable exposure to commodity sectors, and also the fact that the presence of inflation itself tends to signal both a strong topline environment and a positive pricing power dynamic for companies. In this regard, we note the consensus sales revisions for European companies are currently close to a 20-year high.

So far, so good. However, the influence of inflation on the bottom line depends much more on its relative relationship with real GDP growth. Put simply, when inflation is below real GDP growth margins tend to rise, but when inflation is above real GDP growth, as it is now, margins and profitability in general tend to fall.

As of today, consensus forecasts for European margins have yet to turn down. However, we have seen earnings revisions turn negative in recent weeks, such as the gap between sales revisions, which are currently positive, and earnings revisions, currently negative, has never been wider.

In addition to this warning signal on margins from higher input costs, companies are also continuing to deal with challenging supply chain issues, whether related to the conflict in Eastern Europe or to the recent COVID lockdowns in China.

A recent survey from the German Chambers of Commerce suggested that 46% of companies supply chains are completely disrupted or severely impacted by the current COVID 19 situation in China. In contrast, just 7% of companies reported no negative impact at all.

For now, the market appears to be ignoring these warning signs. Consensus 2022 earnings estimates for the MSCI Europe Index are still trending up and have now risen by 5% year to date. This compares to a much smaller 2% upgrade for U.S. earnings and actual downgrades for Japan and emerging markets. While commodity sectors are the main source of this European upgrade, the absence of any offsetting downgrades across other sectors feels unsustainable to us.

Ahead of every earnings season, we survey our European analysts to gather their views on the credibility of consensus forecasts. This quarter, the survey generally supports our own top down views, with our analysts expecting a small upside beat to consensus numbers in the first quarter, but then seeing downside risks for the full year 2022 estimates.

This is the first time in nearly two years that this survey has given us a cautious message. Taking it to the sector level, our analysts see the greatest downside risks to consensus estimates for banks, construction, industrials, insurance, media, retailing and consumer staples. In contrast, our analysts see upside risks to earnings forecasts for brands, chemicals, energy, mining, healthcare and utilities.

Historically, a move higher in equity valuations often tends to mitigate the impact on market performance from prior periods of earnings downgrades. However, we are skeptical that price to earnings ratios will rise much from here, as long as global central banks remain hawkish. Consequently, we continue to see an unattractive risk reward profile for European stocks just here and suggest investors wait for a better entry point, after economic and earnings expectations have reset lower.

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