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Nvidia: Private investorer stormer ind i AI-aktien, de professionelle sælger ud

Morten W. Langer

lørdag 07. september 2024 kl. 15:47

Sektortrends: Blodbad i IT, Nvidia tabte fredag 212 mia. USD

Uddrag fra Marketear

Retail Army very bullish Nvidia

1. Retail investor purchases of Nvidia stock, hit $5.9 billion over the last month, the most on record.

2. Purchases have more than DOUBLED in just 5 weeks, according to Vanda Research data.

3. Since May, retail’s 1-month buying sum of NVDA has risen over 600%.

4. Still, purchases are below the record ~$8.2 billion in Q1 2023 purchased by Tesla retail investors. (very good timing around lows). (TKL)

Source: Vanda


Institutionals have been selling

Funds bought AAPL, sold NVDA in 2Q.

Source: BofA


All aligned

Nvidia stock price and 12M forward EPS.

Source: Macrobond


All aligned…?

Nvidia and Nasdaq 100 index.

Source: Macrobond


September do-or-die

September will be an important month for AI. Now we finally will get to see the disruption. Or will we? Sept 9th will see the Apple iPhone 16 event introduce significant consumer access to AI tools, and during September will see key software user conferences outline how Gen-AI is driving the next leg of product innovation for the industry, at Oracle’s CloudWorld, Salesforce Dreamforce, and Workday’s Rising. Maybe not “do or die” for the AI stocks but perhaps “Q4 rally or Q4 sell-off”.

Build it and they will come

“The risk of underinvesting in AI is dramatically greater than the risk of overinvesting.” – Sundar Pichai (Google CEO)

“At this point I’d rather risk building capacity before it is needed, rather than too late.” – Mark Zuckerberg (Meta CEO)

Hello 170!

Seriously…? Well, anything is always possible in the wonderful world of finance.

“If these levels hold, confidence in a bullish continuation pattern increases. Clearing the downtrend line from late June and recent high near 131-131.26 would confirm this view with upside potential beyond the July and June highs at 136.15-140.76 toward 155 (measured move) and 170 (pattern count)” (BofA technical analyst)

Source: BofA


The 3 most valuable tech companies…

OpenAI is expected to raise funding from Apple and NVIDIA at a valuation of $100 billion. Per reports, Thrive Capital, an NYC based VC firm, will lead the round. OpenAI is currently valued at $86 billion. It would mean that the three most valuable tech companies are all investing in the same generative AI startup.

Source: Sherwood


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