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Nyt forskningspapir i The Lancet: Alvorligere symptomer ved Omicron og sygehusindlæggelser vil først vise sig senere

Morten W. Langer

lørdag 04. december 2021 kl. 19:27

Fra aktuelt forskningspapir offentliggjort i The Lancet 

Although no alarming clinical concerns have been raised thus far, this anecdotal information should be treated with caution given that severe COVID-19 cases typically present several weeks after the initial symptoms associated with mild disease.

Data on positive PCR tests in people with previous positive tests suggest an increase in cases of reinfection in South Africa. However, the increased use of rapid antigen tests and incomplete capturing of negative results have complicated the interpretation of test positivity rates, which have risen to about four times the previous rate in the past week.

In terms of diagnostics, the omicron variant is detectable on widely used PCR platforms in South Africa. There is no reason to believe that current COVID-19 treatment protocols and therapeutics would no longer be effective, with the possible exception of monoclonal antibodies, for which data on the omicron variant’s susceptibility are not yet available. Importantly, existing public health prevention measures (mask wearing, physical distancing, avoidance of enclosed spaces, outdoor preference, and hand hygiene) that have remained effective against past variants should be just as effective against the omicron variant.

Extrapolations based on known mutations and preliminary observations, which should be interpreted with caution, indicate that omicron might spread faster and might escape antibodies more readily than previous variants, thereby increasing cases of reinfection and cases of mild breakthrough infections in people who are vaccinated. On the basis of data from previous VoCs, people who are vaccinated are likely to have a much lower risk of severe disease from omicron infection. A combination prevention approach of vaccination and public health measures is expected to remain an effective strategy.



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