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Rapporter og tendenser

Morten W. Langer

fredag 04. september 2020 kl. 16:22

Erhvervslivets virksomheder skal styre mere efter langsigtede mål: I en analyse med overskriften ”An Inflection Point for Stakeholder Capitalism” gennemgås de forskellige stakeholders gruppers stigende betydning for virksomhedernes langsigtede overlevelse og lønsomhed. ”From the Business Roundtable to BlackRock, there’s growing pressure on companies to respect all major stakeholders—employees, customers, suppliers and local communities, as well as investors.

Meanwhile, a variety of innovations are effectively making these stakeholders central to long-term company success. Digital technologies, new ways of organizing work and transactions, and the shift to the service economy have forced businesses to prioritize the interests of all stakeholders—adding significant opportunities and risks. As a result, unless the company’s survival is in question, stakeholder-centricity is becoming essential to its overall management.

Even under short-term pressures such as pandemics, executives and directors will need to view the company as operating within an integrated ecosystem. Only by supporting all major stakeholders, through calibrated and balanced incentives, will companies achieve sustained success.”

Opråb til danske politikere: Se på reformen af uafhængig kontrol- og reguleringsmyndighed for engelsk erhvervsliv. Udviklingen i UK bør give anledning til en dansk debat om erhvervsstyrelsens tætte bånd til det politiske system.

Burde det gamle regnskabsråd genoplives, eller bør Komiteen for god Selskabsledelse have udvidet sit virkefelt til også at udstede regler, som omfatter store dele af erhvervsreguleringen? Man kan med rette spørge: Hvad ved politikerne om det? På samme måde, som Finanstilsynet nu har fået sin egen bestyrelse, men hvor den reelle uafhængighed på det seneste har været diskuteret.

I FRC’s seneste årsrapport hedder det: “The aim is to build a regulator that serves the public interest by setting high standards of corporate governance, reporting and audit. Standards that maintain confidence in the UK’s leading position as an attractive place to invest and do business, supporting economic growth in the future to the benefit of society as a whole. Given the shocks to the economy of the COVID-19 pandemic, such confidence will be even more vital than normal.

As companies responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we issued guidance on governance, reporting and auditing matters, that aims to assist companies and their auditors in achieving high standards and communicating well with stakeholders.”

36 af de 100 største UK-selskaber har skåret i CEO-løn efter coronakrisen: Den engelske avis The Guardian skriver: ”Just 36 out of the UK’s 100 biggest companies reduced their chief executive’s pay in order to help their firm navigate the coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis, according to an analysis of executive pay that found FTSE-100 CEOs are now handed, on average, the same as nearly 120 full-time workers.

Research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the High Pay Centre published on Wednesday shows that the majority of FTSE 100 companies did not cut top executive pay, despite many of the firms turning to the taxpayer to pay the wages of furloughed workers. The report found that of the 36 companies that did cut CEO pay, the measures taken were “superficial or short-term”.

Knap hvert femte US selskab har reduceret toplederløn i kølvandet på coronakrisen: I en større gennemgang af ændrede lønforhold i det brede Russel 3000 indeks oplyses det, at “company revenues and share prices have been hit hard by COVID-19.

Companies can no longer afford to maintain multi-million dollar remuneration packages for their leaders. Of the 554 companies in the Russell 3000 that exercised changes to compensation as of May 31 this year, 7% adjusted compensation for only the CEO and roughly one-third adjusted compensation for CEO and NEOs. 57% of companies went further than just reducing their Executives’ pay, extending the pay cuts to include the Board.

Only a small number of companies had pay changes for either the NEOs or their Board of Directors. Most of the adjustments to Executives’ and Board of Directors’ compensation were made in the form of reductions to base salary and board fee, rather than long-term incentive compensation and annual cash bonuses. This is possibly due to the total effects of COVID-19 on the payouts of the latter two remaining unclear.”

Morten W. Langer

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