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Sådan kan bestyrelsen forbedre sin effektivitet

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 05. november 2024 kl. 9:30


To forskere skriver i forskningspapir, at bestyrelsen blandt andet bør arbejde målrettet med corporate purpose og virksomhedskultur: “The first section of the survey seeks to obtain insights on the role of the board in corporate purpose and corporate culture. These are key aspects of current corporate governance, as business leaders’, institutional investors’, and asset managers pay increasing attention to companies’ impact on society. The vast majority (87%) of the surveyed directors state that their companies have a written corporate purpose. This is a very high score, considering that the adoption of purpose by many companies is advancing slowly. Two thirds of directors express that the firm’s purpose is approved by the board, not by shareholders and/or managers. The role of the board in adopting purpose is larger in public firms (see Figure 1). The results also reveal that shareholders play a more prominent role in the definition of corporate purpose in private firms than in public firms (see Figure 1), which is consistent with the fact that family businesses tend to have adopted a notion of purpose.”To forskere skriver i forskningspapir, at bestyrelsen blandt andet bør arbejde målrettet med corporate purpose og virksomhedskultur: “The first section of the survey seeks to obtain insights on the role of the board in corporate purpose and corporate culture. These are key aspects of current corporate governance, as business leaders’, institutional investors’, and asset managers pay increasing attention to companies’ impact on society. The vast majority (87%) of the surveyed directors state that their companies have a written corporate purpose. This is a very high score, considering that the adoption of purpose by many companies is advancing slowly. Two thirds of directors express that the firm’s purpose is approved by the board, not by shareholders and/or managers. The role of the board in adopting purpose is larger in public firms (see Figure 1). The results also reveal that shareholders play a more prominent role in the definition of corporate purpose in private firms than in public firms (see Figure 1), which is consistent with the fact that family businesses tend to have adopted a notion of purpose.”

Morten W. Langer

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