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Saxo Bank: Trump ønsker ikke at vinde!

Hugo Gaarden

tirsdag 20. oktober 2020 kl. 9:17

Trump ønsker ikke at vinde valget, skriver Saxo Banks globale makrostrateg Kay Van-Petersen. Han har ingen interesse i det. Måske trækker han sig kort før magtoverdragelsen i januar og lader Mike Pence blive præsident, så han kan give Trump immunitet i forbindelse med de ventede retssager. Måske vil han komme med dramatiske finanspolitiske udspil. Han vil måske hellere være showman end præsident. Én gang showman, altid showman.

Uddrag fra Saxo Bank:

Macro Dragon: Trump Does Not Want To Win…

Top of Mind…

  • “Everyone” implicitly assumes that Trump is rational & has a some form of a plan. When everything we have seen, since even before he was elected – remember despite whatever spin they put, according to  Fear: Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward… it was a clear surprise, as it should be when you take three swing states by the skin of your teeth – suggests that there is no rationality here & there definitely is no consistent plan.
  • On the Dragon & previously on the Macro Monday’s we have said the only thin consistent about Trump is his inconsistency. So there is this rational assumption that Trump wants to get re-elected, with no real entertainment of the pathway that he has zero interest in being elected.
  • At the end of the day he is 74yrs old (sensational energy by the way at that age), a billionaire (as far as we know) & has a laundry list of evidence that suggests he is quite extreme in the sociopath spectrum. We’ve already seen him drop hints all year, that the election could be unfair, rigged, etc.
  • And appreciate that’s his MO, yet what if all this is a set-up for what Trump wants to do next? Would he rather do 4 more years of being POTUS or 4 more years of The White House Apprentice &/or some media portal?
  • Just saying, lets not jump to conclusions on Trump wanting to win. And with the year we have seen so far… anything is possible. From Pence being president for a week & pardoning Trump, to KVP being completely wrong on the US election results, upcoming colossal fiscal spend in the US, negative bond yields coming to ‘America, dollar dropping to -30% from the highs, etc.
  • The problem with assuming that Trump is a rational player & wants to win, is our DNA & upbringing encodes us to fill in the blanks to explain things. Even if its complete hogwash & just another iteration of lipstick on a pig.


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