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Succes-landet Sydkorea med kun en svag stigning i ledigheden

Hugo Gaarden

onsdag 10. juni 2020 kl. 10:00

Et af de lande, der bedst har håndteret corona-krisen, er Sydkorea, der ikke lukkede økonomien ned. Det viser nu resultater. Arbejdsløsheden er ganske vidst steget, men kun fra 3,8 pct. til 4,5 pct. i maj, og så er der en krølle på halen: Den samlede bskæftigelse er samtidig steget. Den er tæt på niveauet fra før-coronakrisen.

Uddrag fra ING:

Rising unemployment rate isn’t always bad news – Korea

South Korea’s unemployment rate rose from 3.8% to 4.5% in May, but employment is increased too on a monthly basis, so if such a thing is possible, this is a “good” rise in the unemployment rate.

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So what is going on in Korea right now? 

We are used to looking at figures in Asia in a year-on-year comparison, but given the impact of the coronavirus, we really ought to look at employment in terms of actual numbers (levels) and see how they are moving relative to recent months.

Doing this, we see that total employment in Korea rose from 26,562 thousand in April to 26,930 thousand (up 368 thousand). Sectors seeing a strong recovery included business / personal services and construction. Now admittedly, all of these employment levels are down from where they were a year ago, but it is going to take a little longer to regain pre-Covid-19 levels of employment, so let’s look at this realistically.

That said, another month like May would take us within spitting distance of such pre-Covid-19 employment levels. Though realistically also, May probably contains the bulk of easy job gains as the economy returned to a more normal footing having successfully suppressed their Covid-19 outbreak in March and April.

Despite the rise in employment in May, there were still flows into unemployment. As employment/unemployment is a two-way flow, not the flip side of a coin, as well as the rise in employment in May, we also saw unemployment rise by 106,000.

The numbers of the economically-active population (labour force) also rose, and as stated earlier, this isn’t always a bad sign. But the increase of 405,000 from (27,734K to 28,209K) was smaller as a percentage increase than the percentage increase in the number of unemployed (see chart below for some comparison). In simple maths-speak, the denominator rose proportionately less than the numerator, and that is why the unemployment rate rose.

In short, you could put this down as that counterintuitive result of a “good rise in the unemployment rate”. There’s nothing here for the Bank of Korea or the Korean government to get worked up about and respond with policy changes.

The recovery is underway – it may not be fast, but the direction is acceptable.

Korean labour force data

CEIC Korean labour force data
Korean labour force data

When is weak data actually good data?

The unemployment rate is one of the quirkiest numbers in economics, in a very quirky pool. Why? Well for one, it is calculated from two potentially unrelated pieces of data. The rate is calculated as the numbers of unemployed divided by the labour force (economically active members of the population, including those who are unemployed but ready, able and looking for work) and expressed as a percentage.

The numbers of unemployed are simple enough, though it is worth pointing out that changes in the number of unemployed are not the same as the negative of changes in the numbers of employed (though again, confusingly, it can be).

The labour force, in contrast, is a complicated beast, and can swing all over the place, and can rise or fall in good and bad times alike. In good times, more people can enter the labour force if the prospects of working and the rewards from doing so increase. But likewise, this can rise because of hardship too, as people are forced to look for employment to make ends meet.

Equally, bad times can drive people back out of the labour force as they give up looking for work after becoming despondent about their chances or the rewards from working. Or they may drift back out of the labour force again in good times since household earnings may be adequate with just one worker in the family.

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