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USA forsøger at presse Ukraine til forhandlingsbordet med vidtgående stop for satellitfotos og satellitstyrende droner og raketter

Morten W. Langer

lørdag 08. marts 2025 kl. 13:44

Uddrag fra Zerohedge:

American aerospace firm Maxar Technologies announce Friday it has disabled the ability of the Ukrainian government to access its satellite imagery, in conformity to President Trump’s announced suspension of intelligence sharing with Kiev.

“Each customer makes their own decisions on how they use and share that data,” Maxar described of its US government contracts. The contract in question which is impacted by the intelligence-sharing suspension is GEGD (the Global Enhanced GEOINT Delivery program).

via Maxar 

The GEGD program provides access to commercial satellite imagery collected by the United States for partner nations and allies. Ukraine has apparently been blocked from further participation for the time being.

“The US government has decided to temporarily suspend Ukrainian accounts in GEGD,” the Maxar statement said, referring reporters to the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency for any further questions.

“We take our contractual commitments very seriously, and there is no change to other Maxar customer programs,” Maxar explained.

The CIA had on Wednesday confirmed blockage of all intelligence-sharing with Ukraine. President Trump on Friday linked any further sharing on Ukraine’s willingness to enter peace negotiations with Moscow.

“Ukraine has to get on the ball and get a job done,” Trump said, adding that the US is “trying to help” get peace negotiations moving.

But he admitted to reporters at the White House that it’s currently more difficult for Washington to deal with Ukraine than with Russia, which has “all the cards” in the war. Watch:

In a fresh report in Le Monde Ukrainian military expert Ievhen Dyky has described that “The total ban on intelligence sharing is effective, both directly from the US to [Ukraine], but it is also a ban on NATO allies transferring data received from the US to us.” He specified that the ban “applies to all forms of intelligence.”

Reportedly the ability of the Ukrainians to receive targeting information for strikes inside Russia has been taken away as well. There was likely no chance of Moscow coming to the negotiating table so long as this ultra-provocative program was in place.

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