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Virogates COVID-markør sammen med Anakina behandling anvendes nu af 33 sygehuse, plus 18 alene i år

Morten W. Langer

mandag 18. april 2022 kl. 12:33

Fra Virogates

ViroGates announces a current total of 33 clinical routine hospital customers and adjusts its disclosure policy

BIRKERØD, DENMARK – ViroGates A/S, a medical technology company developing blood tests for better triaging in hospitals to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs, today announces a current total of 33 clinical routine hospital customers in nine markets.

During the creation of the Q1 2022 report, ViroGates’ sales representatives and distributors have reported a combined current total of 33 clinical routine hospital customers in nine markets. The number of routine customers is a significant increase from the +15 customers in six markets reported as of 31 December 2021 in the Annual Report of 2021. The primary reason for the rise is an increased awareness and interest in suPARnostic® following the EMA approval of suPAR-guided anakinra treatment in COVID-19 patients in December 2021.

The 33 customers are hospitals that have placed two or more orders of suPARnostic® products for clinical routine use in the last 12 months.

In the future, ViroGates will not make company announcements about small- to medium-sized individual hospital accounts because a single account is no longer considered insider information that can affect the share price, given the more extensive customer base. Future substantial individual accounts may still be considered insider information and will be announced individually.

To ensure transparency regarding customer development, ViroGates will report on the number of customers in more detail in future interim and annual reports.

Jakob Knudsen, CEO of ViroGates, says”We are delighted to see the rapid onboarding of many new hospitals across our key markets in the past few months. The new hospitals primarily use suPARnostic® for COVID-19 patients to assess the severity and prognosis of the disease. We do, however, also start to see the first hospitals transitioning from using suPARnostic® in COVID-19 to general emergency department triaging once they experience the value of suPAR as a biomarker. This transition is a focus area for us going forward.”

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