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Waturus topfolk i frontalangreb på alt og alle ‘Det er ikke vores skyld, at det gik galt’

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 16. marts 2022 kl. 12:10

ØU’s kommentar: Truslen om et eventuelt sagsanlæg eller politianmeldelse tager vi stille og roligt på Økonomisk Ugebrev. Ved en tilfældighed er vi blevet opmærksom på den besynderlige meddelelse fra det tidligere Waturu. ØU’s journalistik har hele vejen igennem været baseret på fakta og de oplysninger, selskabet har givet. I de fleste tilfælde har selskabets ledelse ikke ønsket at svare på spørgsmål. Vi antager, at der er en grund til, at selskabet er blevet smidt af fondsbørsen.


Det tidligere Waturu, nu Greentech Venture, har udsendt denne ‘selskabsmeddelelse’, fremgår det af selskabets hjemmeside.

Green Impact Ventures A/S – Changing strategy to focus entirely on Aquaturu
Company announcement. 87
Herlev, March 11th, 2022
For international distribution
To all shareholders in Green Impact Ventures A/S and Aquaturu A/S.
Due to the terrible loss of Waturu, considering all circumstances including the state of climate change and since the group’s finances are scarce, we have decided to focus entirely on Aquaturu. Going forward your indirect share belongings in Aquaturu A/S have been transferred to direct ownership in Aquaturu A/S with direct ownership in Aquaturu Denmark ApS as well. This means that the ownership of Aquaturu Denmark ApS has been spread to roughly 2.300 investors according to the new ownership registry.

The increased risks regarding Green Impact Ventures A/S´s future has made us allocate additional shares to a few shareholders, who have borrowed the company capital in 2021. The additional shares are registered in the ownership registry.

The Management is 100% focused on commercializing Aquaturu and ensuring that the shareholders will be able to trade the shares/digital shares. We see great market potential and thereby opportunity for huge value creation in Aquaturu, which should lead to shareholders winning back what was lost in their initial investment or investments in the mother company.

We are in dialog with international partners who will help facilitate trading and setting up a new holding company outside Denmark. When this is in place, shareholders will get their ownership transferred to the new holding company.

This will set a new beginning for Aquaturu, and we will work hard to fulfill what was promised. Keep in mind that aquaculture is a growing business sector, which needs new technology for lowering the use of antibiotics, medicine and getting rid of “cleaning additives” while limiting the risk of loss of fish stocks to disease.

Aquaturu received orders on its first product and a distribution partner, which the management will reaffirm while building a larger order pool and establishing a professional advisory board of fish experts. The board and management will – in due time, be reset to enable the best possible focus on reaching Aquaturu and the shareholders goals long-term.
About the Aquaturu technology
By providing an intelligent, disinfection technology for the globally growing aquaculture industry, we ensure fish farms a higher return of investment and a more responsible and sustainable food production.

Our goal is to help land-based fish farms, breed fish without the use of antibiotics, medicine, and “cleaning additives” like Florfenicol, Chloramine and Formalin, etc. We believe in local production, close to the consumer, done in a humane way for the animals and being sustainable, not emptying our oceans. Enabling real sushi-grade fish for the end consumer.

Police filings
Waturu Holding A/S, which changed name to Green Impact Ventures A/S in 2021, was not a failure due to the postponement of the production which was caused by technical issues, nor the impact of Covid-19.

The failure was entirely due to insiders, trading the company’s share down and the distribution of misinformation by certain journalists and social-media bloggers. Thereby destroying the credibility of the company and management and thus making it impossible for the company’s management to raise capital from the market. As a further result, critical stakeholders and partners distanced themselves from the company, which made it impossible to pursue the strategy to IPO the subsidiaries and led to further attacks on the company and the employees.

The majority of all share transactions (selling) from June 2020 until the trading of the company’s shares was suspended, was done by a few individuals.

The management’s analysis of the delisting of the company in 2021 therefore concludes that it was primarily due to insider trading and an enormous amount of negative press, including misleading information which was published on social media and in share communities and articles, which fueled a share price tumble that ultimately led to Nasdaq delisting the company.

The board, based on an internal analysis, decided to file a police report targeting certain prior and current shareholders for insider trading, which in total caused the company’s value to decline more than 500 MDKK while trading on Nasdaq First North.

The following are the target of the police filing:
Hebo Danmark Holding ApS (CEO Henrik Nicolai Hørdum Clausen)
Cornerstone investor in Waturu Holding A/S and Watgen Medical A/S
Green Growth ApS (CEO Henrik Nicolai Hørdum Clausen)
Investor in Waturu Holding A/S and sales agent for Waturu
The Marschall Plan Holding ApS (CEO Thomas Høgh Marschall)
Investor and Chairman of the board in Waturu Holding A/S
Belair Medical ApS (CEO Peter Bjerring)
Investor in Waturu Holding A/S and Watgen Medical A/S and board member and CTO in Watgen Medical A/S
Michael Nørgaard (Manager position)
Investor and CFO in Waturu Holding A/S and its subsidiaries
Depending on the outcome of the police filings and later rulings, shareholders would be invited to participate in a mass lawsuit against some or all of the listed possible offenders. This would be sent to all existing shareholders with ownership of Waturu Holding A/S shares in 2021 and coordinated by the majority owner.
The board has also decided, based on an internal analysis, to file a police report claiming distribution of misinformation and market manipulation through articles with false claims regarding the company or management. Several media outlets and share related newsletters or communities, will be the target of the filing including journalists, bloggers, the CEO and or chairman of the media outlets, who are directly responsible.

It cannot be allowed for bloggers, let alone journalists (unprotected title), to use mass media outlets or specific share related newsletters to mislead or manipulate the market by using misleading titles or misleading photos, posting false and misleading information which knowingly would lead to market manipulation including misguiding amateur investors.

The targets of the police filings so far are:
Jyllands-posten A/S (Jesper Høberg)
Økonomisk ugebrev (Morten W. Langer)
Administrator of a specific Waturu Facebook group. (Pia Friis)
It is important for the management to highlight that we are not entitled to make any judgments. We will help the necessary authorities in the proceedings of the involved. We are very transparent to ensure other parties are not unnecessarily affected by these actions


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