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Rapporter & tendenser

Morten W. Langer

torsdag 23. november 2017 kl. 11:54

The Guardian: Derfor har Paradise Papers ikke fået offentligheden op af stolen: Vi er vant til at de rige skatteunddager.

The Guardian skriver: ”The Paradise Papers have once again revealed the ingenuity and energy the super rich are willing to deploy to keep their money away from the taxman. By illuminating the scale of this injustice, journalists have provided an invaluable service. And yet the revelations do not seem to have generated the level of public outrage that might have been expected. At a time of staggering global inequality, it is perhaps surprising that people are not more animated by the determination of the ultra rich to avoid their obligations to support our roads, hospitals, soldiers and schools – when regular citizens are unable to take advantage of such arrangements. However, this relative lack of concern is consistent with research on people’s attitudes towards tax avoidance. Last year’s British Social Attitudes survey asked Britons about their feelings on this issue. Our analysis of this data (with Ben Baumberg Geiger of the University of Kent) revealed that the British public believes tax avoidance to be commonplace (around one third of taxpayers are assumed to have exploited a tax loophole). In moral terms, people seem rather ambivalent; less than half (48%) thought that legal tax avoidance was “usually or always wrong”.”

Culture as a Corporate Asset: Sådan sætter bestyrelsen fokus på virksomhedskultur.

Undersøgelse viser, at kun halvdelen af bestyrelserne overvåger selskabets værdier og ”meningsfuldhed” i forhold til strategien. I ny rapport fra den amerikanske bestyrelsesforening hedder det: “The NACD said that in its recent survey less than half of directors reported that their boards assess the alignment between the company’s purpose and values and its strategy, and only 50% say they understand the “buzz at the bottom”—the collective behaviours, norms, and values at the front lines of their organisations, among their rank and file employees. The commission’s report contains recommendations and specific actions board members can take to elevate culture oversight practices in key areas including chief executive selection and evaluation; executive compensation design; discussions with management about strategy, risk, and performance; and assessing culture inside the boardroom.”

Fokus på virksomheders håndtering af Human Capital giver mening for investorer

Rapporten “ The Ma teriality of Human Capital to Corporate Financial Per formance ” konkluderer, at “Our survey of the literature on human capital found 92 empirical studies that examined the relationship between HR polices and financial outcomes such as return on equity, return on investment and profit margins. We conclude that there is sufficient evidence of human capital materiality to financial performance to warrant inclusion in standard investment analysis. However, we also find that doing so remains a challenge for a number of reasons. These range from the fact that companies do not provide investors with comparable data to a lack of consensus over which combinations of policies have the most impact on financial outcomes.”

Brug af sociale medier bliver stadig vigtigere for børsaktivister

Aktivt ejerskab får en ny betydning, hvis store investorer begynder at indsamle kræfter op til de bøsnoterede seskabers generalforsamlinger ved at indsamle støtter via de sociale medier, lyder vurderingen fra amerikansk advokatfirma: “As shareholder activists fine tune their communications strategies for the upcoming proxy season, we expect that many will view social media as an increasingly important means of getting their message out to shareholders. Although a number of prominent investors have used certain forms of social media for years (e.g., Carl Icahn’s use of Twitter), we have only recently seen investors begin to engage with multiple social media platforms as part of a comprehensive digital and social media strategy for their campaigns. Noted examples include Elliott Management’s successful campaign at Arconic and Pershing Square’s ongoing election contest at Automatic Data Processing. This post lays out the important legal issues and other information that investors should consider when evaluating whether and how to use social media in their upcoming campaigns.”

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