Solenergi har for første gang overhalet kul i EU, viser en ny rapport fra tænketanken Ember. I 2024 stod solenergi for 11% af EU’s elproduktion, mens kul bidrog med 10%.
Rapportens centrale pointer:
- Solar overtakes coal: Solar was the fastest growing EU power source in 2024; capacity additions hit a record high and generation was 22% higher than in 2023. Solar (11%, 304 TWh) overtook coal (10%, 269 TWh) for the first time in 2024.
- Gas declined five years in a row: Gas power generation declined for the fifth year in a row – despite a small rebound in electricity demand. Combined with another coal decline, this cut total power sector emissions in 2024 to below half of their 2007 peak.
- Wind and solar avoided €59 billion in fossil fuel imports since start of Green Deal: In five years of the European Green Deal, a surge in wind and solar generation is the main reason for declining fossil generation. Without wind and solar capacity added since 2019, the EU would have imported 92 billion cubic metres more of fossil gas and 55 million tonnes more of hard coal, costing €59 billion.
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