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IEA: World Energy Outlook 2024

Olivia Riber

søndag 20. oktober 2024 kl. 12:30

Det Internationale Energiagentur (IEA) har netop udgivet deres årlige flagskibsrapport World Energy Outlook 2024, hvori agenturet analyserer globale energitrends med fokus på energi efterspørgsel, forsyning, energisikkerhed og grøn omstilling.

Rapporten konkluderer blandt andet:

  • The potential for near-term disruption to oil and gas supply is high due to conflict in the Middle East. Around 20% of today’s global oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies flow through the Strait of Hormuz, a maritime chokepoint in the region. However, while geopolitical risks remain elevated, an easing in underlying market balances and prices is on the horizon as slowing oil demand growth in the STEPS sees spare crude oil production capacity rise to 8 million barrels per day by 2030. A wave of new LNG projects is set to add almost 50% to available export capacity by 2030.
  • Clean energy meets virtually all growth in energy demand in aggregate in the STEPS between 2023 and 2035, leading to an overall peak in demand for all three fossil fuels before 2030, although trends vary widely across countries at different stages of economic and energy development.
  • The share of clean energy investment in emerging market and developing economies outside of China remains stuck at 15% of the total, even though these economies account for two-thirds of the global population and one-third of global GDP. A range of new business models and a policy push in some countries ensure that an additional 550 million people gain access to clean cooking and nearly 200 million to electricity in the STEPS between 2023 and 2030. This still falls well short of universal access goals.

Rapporten kan læses her.



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