Strammere menneskerettighedsregulering, som EU’s Direktiv om Due Diligence for Bæredygtighed (CSDDD), gør virksomheder juridisk ansvarlige for deres sociale og miljømæssige påvirkninger. En artikel udgivet i Harvard Law School Forum beskriver, hvordan høje bøder og komplekse krav på tværs af jurisdiktioner øger investorernes risici.
Udklip fra artiklen:
- The CSDDD incorporates the standards of the UNGPs and other voluntary schemes but makes them mandatory for companies that meet certain criteria, such as net worldwide turnover of more than €450 million ($493 million) for EU companies, and net turnover generated within the EU of more than €450 million for non-EU companies.
- Financial penalties for companies that do not comply are steep, with the maximum penalty to be at least 5% of global turnover.
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