Miljøorganisationer sagsøger EU for at inkludere fly og skibe drevet af fossile brændstoffer i EU’s kriterier for grønne investeringer, skriver Climate Home News.
Udklip fra artiklen:
“The green groups claim the EU acted unlawfully in late 2023 when it introduced “loose” rules allowing a green label to be put on fossil fuel-powered planes and ships if they meet “weak” efficiency standards.”
“But in a string of legal challenges, the rulebook has been accused of greenwashing highly polluting industries. Environmental campaigners at Greenpeace and a coalition including Client Earth and WWF filed two separate complaints at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) last year over the inclusion of fossil gas – under specific conditions and for a limited period of time – and nuclear energy in the list of green investments. The cases still need to be heard and a judgement is not expected before 2025.”
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