Ifølge BankTracks seneste rapport lever ingen af verdens 50 største banker fuldt op til FN’s vejledende principper for menneskerettigheder.
Rapportens fund inkluderer blandt andet:
- “No bank yet fully meets its human rights responsibilities under the UN Guiding Principles. Of the 50 banks assessed, 36 scored below 7.5 points out of 15, indicating that they are less than half-way to implementing the requirements of the UN Guiding Principles, and are therefore ranked as “laggards” or “followers”.”
- “Human rights reporting has made limited progress. Only 13 banks out of 50 disclose their salient human rights risks and the steps taken to address them; up from eight in 2022. Only 17 banks report on actions taken to address specific human rights violations with at least one concrete example. Reporting remains one of the lowest-performing areas for banks.”
Giulia Barbos, hovedforfatter af rapporten udtaler: “It’s clear that banks are still falling short in their human rights performance and are not putting people at the centre of their due diligence process. The near-total lack of policies to protect vulnerable groups such as human rights defenders, combined with growing silence from banks when human rights concerns are raised on behalf of affected communities, is worrying. Banks must urgently shift focus to address these glaring gaps.”
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