ISS ESG har udgivet rapporten Actionable Insights: Top ESG Themes in 2025, der fremhæver nøgletrends for investorer, herunder øget ESG-ansvar:
“Supervisory authorities are starting to intervene in cases of greenwashing, imposing fines and other penalties on companies with sustainability-related actions or communications that do not reflect their underlying sustainability profiles. As investors try to identify potentially misleading sustainability-related claims, ESG ratings and data providers can support them by filtering out irrelevant or non-representative data and assisting investors to focus on the claims’ essential aspects.”
Andre nøgletrends inkluderer bekæmpelse af plastikforurening, forståelse af naturlige systemer, AI’s energiforbrug og fokus på menneskerettigheder.
Mirtha Kastrapeli, Global Head of Natural Capital and Thought Leadership for ISS ESG, udtalte: “Evolving sustainability-related regulatory enforcement, as well as natural capital, human rights due diligence and continuing climate change mitigation efforts are among the major themes likely to shape the ESG investment landscape in 2025.”
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