Ifølge Climate Home News sigter shippingbranchen mod netto-nul-emissioner inden 2050. Samtidig ønsker repræsentanter fra branchen, at provenuet fra en kommende CO2-afgift skal tilbageføres til rederierne.
Hovedpunkter fra artiklen:
- At the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the United Nations’ shipping arm, governments have made clear they want the bulk of the revenue from a shipping emissions levy to go towards making it cheaper and easier for companies to put clean fuel in their vessels.
- While nations are split on how high the charge should be – with a group of island nations arguing for the highest tax of $150 per tonne of greenhouse gas emissions – submissions from governments, industry and campaign groups all specify that the funds should be used mainly for cleaning up shipping
- A joint submission from the European Union, South Korea, the International Chamber of Shipping, the Environmental Defense Fund and others says a portion of the money should go to cleaning up shipping through investments, research funding and rewards for using clean fuels.
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