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Schroders: Ræset om ESG-regulering er i fuld gang

Nicole Cherine de la Sencerie El-Dessouky

søndag 16. januar 2022 kl. 18:49

I en ny artikel understreger Schroders, at hvis du kæmper for at følge med al den ESG-regulering, der er ved at dukke op rundt om i verden, er du ikke alene. Mængden af ​​nye regler kan føles overvældende. Det hjælper at huske, hvad de forsøger at gøre: at sikre, at de investeringer, vi har brug for for at få vores økonomier til et mere bæredygtigt sted, virkelig sker.

I artiklen uddyber de, hvordan de forskellige lande håndterer ESG-reguleringer. Her kommer nogle uddrag fra udvalgte lande:

“The United Kingdom, in the meantime, has been rolling out mandatory reporting in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) across companies and financial services.”

“The United States has seen a quite radical change in direction with the Biden administration, which has been pushing through new policies mostly focusing on climate change.

Hotly anticipated is the outcome of the review of Department of Labor (DOL) rules that came in January 2021 under the previous administration. In practice, these made it harder for private pension funds to invest in strategies with a sustainability angle and to vote on resolutions about environmental and social issues.

Under the new administration in March 2021, the DOL announced that it would not enforce the rules and, instead, consult with stakeholders. This culminated in new proposals released in October 2021 recognising that fiduciaries may consider sustainability factors when assessing investment opportunities and making proxy voting decisions.

The end result is expected in the first months of 2022 and, if it is similar to the proposal, it could unlock large pockets of capital for sustainable investment.”

“At the same time, China has been working with the EU on a ‘common ground taxonomy’ which has been launched through the International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF). This is not a taxonomy per se but rather a tool that effectively compares the EU and Chinese green taxonomies and translates the one to the other. This is still under development but, if it works, it could be a very useful tool for those who invest globally.”

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