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Sustainanalytics: Ofte stillede spørgsmål om, hvad ESG betyder for virksomheder

Nicole Cherine de la Sencerie El-Dessouky

fredag 18. marts 2022 kl. 10:30

Det kan være svært at finde rundt i ESG. Derfor har sustainanalytics for nyligt lavet en oversigt over hyppigt stillede spørgsmål omkring ESG. Vi har samlet en oversigt over de vigtiste:

“Q: Are there legal ESG requirements?

A: There may be legal and regulatory requirements in your jurisdiction related to ESG issues – for example, with respect to workers, human rights, products, corporate governance, data privacy and security, emissions, and much more. However, usually when we speak of ESG legal requirements and regulations, we are talking about measuring impacts and reporting. This area is changing rapidly. There are currently several voluntary standards for reporting to guide companies, and some countries are expected to adopt them as law over the coming years.”

“Q: What’s the role of ESG risk scores and ratings?

A: For companies, the main purpose of an ESG score or risk rating is to understand their ESG performance baseline. ESG ratings may be used in a number of ways, such as:

  • ESG ratings provide transparency to investors regarding how exposed companies are to specific risks, and how well companies are managing them.
  • Organizations increasingly rely on ESG scores or risk ratings to obtain specialized financing for sustainability programs and projects.
  • Businesses use their ESG scores for benchmarking their ESG performance and demonstrating their commitments to stakeholders.
  • Fund managers may rely on ratings to include companies in sustainable investment funds. “

“Q: How can ESG improve investor relations?

A: Implementing an effective ESG program can improve investor relations in various ways. On a basic level, an ESG program requires good communication with investors to understand their needs and to share your progress. Moreover, investors, especially asset owners and asset management institutions, now expect to see corporate ESG policies and practices across the spectrum of environmental, social, and governance issues.”

“Q: Can an ESG strategy improve financial performance?

A: There is a growing body of research showing that ESG practices can lead to better financial performance and increased shareholder value. By way of example, a Sustainalytics study showed that a portfolio of companies with the fewest ESG incidents outperformed global equity markets by 11%. Companies may also see financial growth from accessing new markets, e.g., Millennials or environmentally or socially conscious consumers.”

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