Den dansk topforsker i sport og økonomi, Kenneth Cortsen, optræder i aktuel artikel i det internationale business magasin Forbes om fodboldklubbernes ræs mod at anvende dataanalyse i forståelse af, hvordan de skaber bedre resutater på fodboldbanen. Læs hele artiklen her:
FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out, is driving soccer clubs to invest in data collection without an understanding of how to effectively use it.
That is according to Dr. Kenneth Cortsen, an elite soccer coach and sports management researcher from the University College of Northern Denmark’s Department of Sport Management.
With a growing number of clubs turning to data and analytics to inform decision making, Cortsen told me that some clubs lacked the skills to properly interpret the data they are collecting.
“The FOMO aspect should never be the guiding principle in making football associations, leagues and clubs invest in data. If this is the only consideration, then it stops there,” Cortsen said.