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Grækenland har fået seks dage til at fikse reformplan

Morten W. Langer

torsdag 09. april 2015 kl. 11:18

Via Google translate fra Greek daily Kathimerini

Ultimatum six days from Euroworking Group

BRUSSELS-RESPONSE. Ultimatum six days gave the Euroworking Group yesterday in the Greek side, in order to present proposals to be accepted by creditors in a series of reforms, such as in the financial, in insurance, labor and privatization, so be agreed and funding in the next Eurogroup, on April 24, in Riga.

The Greek representative, Mr. Theocharakis, made it clear to his counterparts that the Greek government marginally meets the needs of up to 24 April, but was not able to present new proposals which could be accepted.

On the one hand, representatives of institutions have recognized that there is improvement in the technical discussions evolved in Athens, on the other hand showed that even a large gap in the number of areas in order to reach agreement. The main problems identified in the above areas, but even expressed a problem with the person who will be installed as president of the FSF. For this position has heard the name of the former representative of Greece to the IMF, Mr. Panagiotis Roumeliotis. “It became clear that one can not ask for liquidity and not work towards an agreement with the three institutions,” said a European official in “K”. The fact that there have been substantial steps by the Agreement of 20 February has caused resentment in number of Member States.

Mr. Theocharakis yielded, for his part, the difficulty in the technical discussions on the lack of data and files from the previous government.

The fact that the gap between the two sides should be covered in 6 working days due to the Greek Easter, on the one hand and the spring meeting of the IMF, held 17-19 April, as all members of the Troika, inter alia, moving to the US capital to participate in this traditional meeting.

At the same time, the pressures from Germany continued yesterday with the representative of the German Finance Ministry, Fryderyk von Tisenchaouzen, stating that “typically do not have a new situation in regard to the negotiations between Greece and its institutions on the list of reforms.” Furthermore, he added that “negotiations are ongoing. We still wait for Greece to bring its reform list the three institutions. “

In addition, the Finance Ministry drew yesterday 1137.5 million. EUR 6-month Treasury bills, while this amount will increase to 1.4 billion today. Euro. The bills were covered by domestic investors, including foreigners held about 750 million. Euro is not involved in the issue, with buyers being the Greek banks, their subsidiaries and the Bank of Greece. With these funds will normally refinanced expiries bills on April 14.Plus, the economic team believe that cash sufficient to state and April 24. Day in session and the informal Eurogroup, from which the Greek side expects a decision is to disburse part of the installments outstanding.




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