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WSJ: Kinas vækst på vej mod 3,9 %

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 21. oktober 2014 kl. 7:05

Wall Street Journal skriver (password beskyttet), at Kinas vækst vil bevæge sig ned mod 3,9 % i løbet af de næste ti år.


The Conference Board forecasts that China’s annual growth will slow to an average of 5.5% between 2015 and 2019, compared with last year’s 7.7%. It will downshift further to an average of 3.9% between 2020 and 2025, according to the report.


The New York-based Conference Board argues that productivity in China is declining, in part because investments in infrastructure and real estate don’t have the payoff they once did. Meanwhile, government and Communist Party officials who don’t give market forces a large-enough role are stifling innovation.


“The state is too present in the market,” said David Hoffman, managing director of the Conference Board’s China center.


Such an outcome could batter an already fragile global recovery. But the report by the business-research group the Conference Board also finds that multinational companies in China would benefit. Lean times would give foreign firms more local talent to choose from. Foreign companies and investors could also expect “more hospitable” treatment from Communist Party and government officials and a wider selection of Chinese firms they could acquire, according to the report, which was shared with The Wall Street Journal.


Foreign companies should realize that China is in “a long, slow fall in economic growth,” the report said. “The competitive game has changed from one of investment-driven expansion to one of fighting for market share.”

Of course, there are many ways to spin the decline as a silver lining, but what is assured is social turmoil: recall that once upon a time the conventional wisdom was that China needs 9% growth just to keep pace with the natural growth rate of the population, the inbound province-to-city migration of the population, and keep everyone employed. Then the 9% became 8%, then it became 7%, and the fundamental reasoning for China’s historical supergrowth was quickly forgotten, because the last thing the world needs is a reminder that Chinese social instability is always just one mass civil riot away. A riot where mass unemployment would merely serve as a catalyst for. A riot of which what is going on in Hong Kong right now is merely a pleasant appetizer.

Sadly for China’s social instability, Chinese growth is going not only to 3.9% but much, much lower.

The reason? Quietly, over the past 5 years, China raked up an epic debt load, which by 2015 is expected to hit a whopping 252% of GDP, or a 100% of GDP increase in debt, just to keep its growth dynamo running. A dynamo which has now fizzled, as can be seen best in the Chinese housing bubble which as we have reported previously, has now burst, and China is desperate to keep imminent hard landing, as controlled as possible.


China IMF forecast_0

Here is Exhibit A.


På kort sigt er den kinesiske vækst  blevet nedjusteret adskellige gange de seneste år.



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