Deutsche Bank viser i en analyse, at der er meget lang vej, før EU-landene kan blive en kunstig intelligens superstar. Kunstig intelligens sker i et kapløb mellem to heste – USA og Kina. Det kræver gigantiske investeringer at hamle op med de to – især i en tid, hvor pengene bruges på coronabekæmpelsen.
Uddrag fra Deutsche Bank:
The competition for global AI leadership is speeding up. But it already seems to be a two-horse race between the US and China. Europe faces an imminent risk of falling far behind if the EU and its members do not react rapidly and boldly. This could have broad implications for Europe’s competitiveness, future wealth and political stability. The Commission’s recently published White Paper on AI and its communication on a European strategy for data are crucial steps to formalise the debate on addressing the AI challenge in Europe. While the EU’s strategy goes in the right direction, several points need to be clarified, in particular regarding the investment gap towards the US and China, finding the right balance between regulation and competitiveness of the EU’s AI industry, and data access for AI research. [more]