Vigeo Eiris, en førende global udbyder af ESG-løsninger, har frigivet betaversionen af et såkaldt “Taxonomy Alignment Screening” værktøj. Vigeo Eiris vil give investorer et omfattende overblik over de tre komponenter, der kræves for at identificere Taxonomy Alignment:
1: bidrag til definerede miljømål.
2: overholdelse af Do No Significant Harm-principperne.
3: overholdelse af minimumsprincipperne for social sikring.
Adgang til betaversionen af produktet er gratis for alle markedsdeltagere efter anmodning.
Om betaversionen skriver Vigeo Eiris:
In September, the UN-PRI released a report outlining the challenges faced by a pilot group of investors, testing the implementation of the Taxonomy. In the report the UN-PRI advised investor engagement with data providers to support agreement, standardization and limit discrepancies in market offerings. “By making our beta version widely accessible, we aim to facilitate the kind of dialogue recommended by the PRI and support investors in preparing for implementation” – Michael Notat – Executive Director, Investors at Vigeo Eiris.
The EU Taxonomy is primed to reshape the landscape for responsible investment in Europe and accelerate the shifting of capital towards the objectives of European Commissions’ Sustainable Finance Action Plan. Vigeo Eiris’ Taxonomy Alignment Screening will help investors to integrate taxonomy considerations into their investment processes. Following feedback from market participants on the beta-version, the final product will be released in January 2021.
“Taxonomy integration is a big undertaking and commitment for investors. We are committed to providing the market with high quality, granular datasets that support investors in the integration, execution and reporting on Taxonomy elements and the rapidly changing ESG environment in Europe” – Emilie Beral, Executive Director – Methodology, Innovation and Quality at Vigeo Eiris.
Vigeo Eiris is an Affiliate of Moody’s. Find out more on Moody’s ESG & Climate Risk hub:
Download the Taxonomy Alignment Paper HERE